This post is coming a few months late, but still completely relevant, nevertheless. In fact, there’s a huge possibility that it could be relevant for me now, more than ever. You see, a few months ago, the world lost an amazing, incredible woman, who will forever touch and inspire my life. She probably never even knew that she had influenced me in such a way, and I am positive that I didn’t know just how much she had left her mark on me until she was gone. However, she did, and even though she is no longer here, her influence continues to grow.
Here’s The Thing – The Influence of Others
Dealing with Stress: The Bald and the Beautiful
I recently discovered a bald spot on my head. No, it’s not the start of a receding hairline or Female Pattern Baldness. It’s due to stress. When I first found this bald spot, I was suddenly taken back to when I was a little girl. When I would become stressed as a child, I would pull hair from specific areas of my head, creating a bald spot, so when I initially found this new spot as an adult, I immediately knew exactly what it was.
Backpacking – A Dream Finally Fulfilled
2014 was a huge life-changing year for me. I had a lot of ups and a lot of downs – all allowing me to change, gain strength, and become who I am today. One of the ups for me was finally planning for a backcountry backpacking trip. This is something that I have dreamed of doing for years, but I have never had the guts or the time to actually go for it. The opportunity finally came around with our son’s boy scout troop, and our plan was to conquer 21 miles on the Appalachian Trail. In order to do this, we had to do a lot of training hikes and months of preparation.
Could Catering to Learning Styles Be Dangerous?
As a homeschooling mom, I hear and read a lot about tailoring learning more toward the styles of our children. Lots of research has been done to show the different learning styles of people, children in particular. The theory stands that these learning styles allow each child to learn in a way that speaks to them the best. Expensive curriculum and special schools have been established in order to capitalize on this research. Personally, I have spent precious time and reserved energy on this topic, and I am just as guilty as the next mom in making sure that our homeschooling environment is tailored towards my children’s personal learning style.
Kids and Consequences: Reality Discipline
Recently, I pulled out an old book, that I read when the kids were much smaller, called Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours – by Kevin Leman. In this book, Dr. Leman talks to parents about Reality Discipline. Reality Discipline teaches the concept of letting children experience the reality of the consequences of their choices, by allowing life to be the teacher. I love this principal! Allowing our children to learn consequences at an early age is a positive step toward them growing up into responsible adults.
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Learning How to Relax by Simplifying My Life
I am sitting at my a some-what local coffee shop, enjoying a Naked Green Machine having my biggest chill ever… relaxing, that is. Since simplifying my life, my mind isn’t wandering to the next thing on my to-do list for the day. I don’t feel rushed to quickly enjoy being here, then frantically move to the day’s activities, which usually includes cleaning and organizing of some sort. The only pressing thing on me right now is to be careful not to enjoy myself so much that I forget to pick up my kids from their Tuesday morning classes. Continue reading
Declutter – Part Two
Recently, I was introduced to a book called Faithfully Frugal by Kari Patterson. I can definitely say that this book couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I’ve found that I go through seasons of stuff accumulating in my home and life. I frequently get the mood to declutter, and I do, but it always seems to only to make room for me to collect more stuff. If you’re a frequent reader of mine then you probably remember reading my original article to this post called Decluttering – Part One. Well, that was a few years ago, and yes, my friends, it’s that time again. Only this time, it gets WAY better!
Finding Joy in the Midst of Multiple Miscarriage
Soon after my husband and I delivered our first child, we decided that we loved being parents so much that we would like to have another baby to grow up close to our first. We became pregnant right away and were so excited! We couldn’t wait to do it all over again; however, our first ultrasound immediately changed our course. A miscarriage was the farthest thing from our minds. Continue reading
How I Started Homeschooling
As Spring is here and Summer is well on its way, this is usually the time that I begin reflecting back on our homeschool year and wonder just who learned more… me? or my kids? At the time of this writing, our 5th year of homeschooling is nearing an end, and I just cannot believe that we have made it this far! This has truly been the adventure of a lifetime, and one that I would not change for anything in the world! At this point, I cannot imagine not homeschooling my children. In fact, anything but home education seems abnormal to me. Continue reading
How I Cured My Allergies and Came Off All Medications
For the first year and a half of my son’s life, he suffered from constant constipation. No matter how much fruit, water or juice I gave to him, nothing worked. Finally, after everything that I filled him with, when he did go, let’s just say, it was extremely painful, and it wasn’t pretty. I was in constant consultation with the doctors, and they kept telling me that it was normal and that he obviously only needed to “go” once a week or so. (I have become so amazed that the doctor’s actually believed that!) His allergies and sickness never got better, and he seemed to be sick quite a bit. Not as much as some other children, but more than I wanted to deal with. He constantly had a runny nose and would frequently develop a cough from it which would then turn into bronchitis. I had a nurse say that he was obviously “allergic” to our cat and dog. I had a deep feeling that that just wasn’t true. It just didn’t make sense to me. I knew there had to be something more, but I didn’t know where to turn.