Did you know that in order to get your sufficient amount of vitamin D3 you would have to consume 50 glasses of milk in one day? Vitamin D3 is a big key in the well-being of you and your family. Normally, vitamin D3 comes from the sun. When the sun hits your skin, your body starts to produce antimicrobial peptides. These peptides greatly improve your immune function. If you have a shortage of peptides in your body, you increase your chances for bacterial and viral infections such as the cold and flu. That is why the winter is considered the “cold and flu season.” Research also shows that a deficiency in vitamin D3 can also aid in a number of autoimmune diseases, as well as, osteoporosis, depression, tuberculosis and more. Further studies have shown that vitamin D3 is also incredibly protective against H1N1.
Scientists say that we should, on a regular basis, get at least 20 minutes of sunshine everyday on as much skin as we can expose, without sunscreen, because the sunscreen blocks out the ultraviolet rays that produce these peptides. Dermatologists and health professionals have consistently suggested sunscreen anytime we go out into the sunshine due to the increased risk of skin cancer; however, skin cancer makes up only 3% of cancer patients. Vitamin D3 has been shown to help patients suffering from other cancers such as lymphoma, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer. I am not suggesting that you go to the beach and stay out all day without any sunscreen at all, but to continue to play it safe and be sure not to burn your skin.
Studies say that our bodies need at least 5000 IU of vitamin D3 per day. If we lived near the equator, getting a sufficient amount daily would not be so hard to do, but because we don’t, it may be necessary to supplement our daily vitamin routine with a dose of vitamin D3. Most daily vitamins do contain vitamin D3, but not in near the amount of 5000 IU per day.
Our household has been taking vitamin D3 daily for years now, and we believe that we can tell a big difference in a number of areas. Brandon has not gotten his nasty, lingering cough that he has gotten every winter since I have known him, the boys have stayed well throughout the entire winter season, and I have been able to tell a big difference in my emotions and thoughts. I think that I may have been suffering from a small amount of depression, and I didn’t even realize it, until I no longer had it.
Different IU’s can be found in your local health/nutritian store, pharmacy or even ordered online. My kids love this Enzymatic Therapy Vitamin D3 Chocolate Chewable
. Vitamin D3 can be taken in capsule or liquid form, and one is just as effective as the other.
Although the flurries that we have seen on-and-off today don’t indicate it, the winter season is nearing an end. Soon, we will be able to get outside again and enjoy the warm sunshine on our face. How about this year, we allow the warm sunshine hit some other places on our bodies as well. You can rest assured that it is not only helping the outside of your body look good, by getting a nice, pretty tan, but it is also helping your inside look good too.
*This blog is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease.
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